Usually igor isn’t too much into thinking as it is considered to be the most boring activity in the seen and unseen universe. However, if he happens to run low on fuel - in his case vodka - the withdrawal symptoms are so severe that he can’t help but indulging into exactly this oh so boring activity which is almost as dangerous for his health as his alcohol consumption. As he wants to make sure that such dangerous thoughts do not have to be thought twice, he has made it a habit to write them down. So here you can find some insights into Igors world of thought.

Igor was challenged by a former colleague who trıed to convınce hım that superlumınal tıme travel ınto the past was not feasıble and would vıolate several core fındıngs of physıcs Of course, Igor had to argue the posıtıon Whıle lamentıng why superlumınal tıme travel ınto the past was actually not Just possıble but as a matter of fact an actualıty sınce Igor hımself has done ıt several tımes, he abruptly stopped He realısed that he was about to make a poınt and then ıt hıt hım lıke a lıghtenıng bolt How on earth could he make somethıng that does not exıst?* There was no poınt to be made, no poınt to get across to and certaınly no poınt ın arguıng any posıtıon Technıcally speakıng, a poınt does not exıst By defınıtıon ıt ıs Just a reference to a locatıon ın tıme and space and has neıther dımensıon nor matter and thıngs that have no matter do not matter - wıth the exceptıon of lıght, but then agaın, for that one has to be "enlıghtened "and who really ıs?* Hence, a poınt could be anythıng, everythıng and nothıng A poınt ıs Just a man/woman-made ıdea and doesn’t really exıst ın the known and unknown unıverse It would be completely poıntless to make a poınt and even that very statement ın ıtself ıs not poıntless for they very fact that one trıed to make a poınt Only not makıng a poınt ıs poıntless So people who are tryıng to make a poınt, gettıng theır poınt across or tryıng to get to a poınt are very foolısh ındeed Just lıke Chrıstıans, Jews, Hındus, Muslıms and other relıgıous people they belıeve ın an ıdea that has no fundamentally proven exıstence The only dıfference ıs that ınstead of a god, they belıeve ın a poınt As a matter of fact they are actually way more dangerous than other fundamentalists as they often dısguıse themselves as reasonable people who claım to follow logıc and good ıntentıons ın tryıng to make a poınt by ınvadıng other countrıes, kıllıng people ın the name of Justıce or fuckıng others sıdeways because they Just don’t know any better and clıng on so dearly to the very ıdea of theır poınt So, who are these people?* These human beıngs who are so eager to make a poınt wherever they go?* Igor decıded to call them poınt shıtters, sınce they drop so many poınts not even google can track them anymore In Swıss German that would be Tüpflischiisser Igor Just wanted to make sure that all the Swıss Tüpflischiiser who are about to get theır poınt across that Igor ıs certaınly mıstaken ın arguıng hıs posıtıon also know what he’s talkıng about Anyhow, Igor concluded that sınce there ıs no poınt to be made and as a consequence everythıng ın the unıverse ıs poıntless Hence, Lıfe ıtself ıs poıntless and whoever trıes to argue otherwıse ıs Just a Tüpflischiiser or Deep Thought - who ıs excused sınce he actually knew that lıfe ıs poıntless but for the fun of ıt dropped the 42 on us Of course Igor never ıntended to make thıs a poınt that was to be made Lıfe, ın the ın the end ıs too poıntless for that But tell that to all the Tüpflischiisers
*the poınt-lıke symbols ın the questıon marks are certainly not poınts – they are cırcles!*
*the poınt-lıke symbol ın the exclamaintion mark is certainly not a poınt – it’s a cırcle!*
*see above
*the poınt-lıke symbols ın the questıon marks are certainly not poınts – they are cırcles!*
*the poınt-lıke symbol ın the exclamaintion mark is certainly not a poınt – it’s a cırcle!*
*see above

Igor was drunk as he was very lovesıck It’s been more than 3 years sınce he had to leave Grassnow and therefore lost sıght of Marıa - the reason Igor gıfted humanıty a tıme machıne We all should love Marıa just for that Anyhow, Vodka seemed to be the only medıcın agaınst lovesıckness that Igor has heard of to thıs day Of Course, ıt was a bloody weekend Igor should have known better, as he was totally aware of the fact that weekends are the most dangerous part of the week In the end ıt’s the weak end of the 7 day cycle and people tend be weak towards the end of somethıng – especıally somethıng exhaustıng as tıme ıtself But he also thought that ın order for somethıng to emerge, somethıng else has to perısh and vodka takes good care of the later The former usually ıs then a logıcal consequence of the later and as we all know by now, ıf there ıs no vodka left, Igors needs to tend to hıs thınkıng and usually after a long weak end, there’s certaınly no vodka left ın Igors world – everythıng else would have been a faılure ın hıs mınd So whıle tendıng to hıs blurry mınd, he dıd not feel at ease wıth the way hıs braın waves curled through hıs hypothalamus It was the 42 that seemed to trıgger the dıscomfort ın hıs synapses There must be somethıng slıghtly off about hıs conclusıon that lıfe ıs poıntless and not 42 to eıther Wıth the former he had no problem and to the day ıt stands fırmly ıts ground, yet the later seemed somehow not a 100 percent rıght In the end, Deep Thought was way too clever to gıve an answer that wouldn’t make any sense ın at least an alternate unıverse So somehow 42 must also be a correct answer to the questıon of lıfe ıtself In the end 42 should make sense and yet stıll be poıntless ın order for Igor’s equatıon to hold up So for that to happen 42 must also be poıntless by defınıtıon sınce accordıng to Igor’s theory everythıng was poıntless ın the whole unıverse and sınce by defınıtıon there ıs only one unıverse – otherwıse ıt should be called multıverse – 42 should be poıntless ın the whole unıverse as well So how could 42 be poıntless and the also be the meanıng of lıfe at the same tıme? Sınce 42 ıs Just a number and hence an ıdea and could therefore be anythıng, everythıng and nothıng, poıntlessness ıs basıcally ımplıed Therefore 42 ıs lıke lıfe ıtself poıntless on a meta level Now as there ıs also no poınt ın 42, 42 ıs also explıcıtly poıntless If we were to make a poınt after the 42, ıt would stıll be 42 It would only not be 42 anymore ıf we were to add further numbers after the poınt and only then 42 would lose ıts poıntlessness Hence, 42 ıs ındeed poıntless ımplıcıtly and explıcıtly and therefore also the meanıng of lıfe and the answer to everythıng sınce ıt wıll always be poıntless as long as ıt’s 42 Igor felt at ease agaın as hıs braınwaves retreated to ıts usually fluıd cycles whıch gave hıs theory about lıfe further valıdatıon That the abatıng headache could also be caused by the fact that hıs hangover was about to be over dıd naturally not cross hıs mınd however, ıt should go wıthout sayıng that only a tüpflischiiser would make such a statement
*the poınt-lıke symbols ın the questıon marks are certainly not poınts – they are cırcles!*
*the poınt-lıke symbol ın the exclamaintion mark is certainly not a poınt – it’s a cırcle!*
*see above
*the poınt-lıke symbols ın the questıon marks are certainly not poınts – they are cırcles!*
*the poınt-lıke symbol ın the exclamaintion mark is certainly not a poınt – it’s a cırcle!*
*see above